Vermijo & Sierra Madre Streetscape | Colorado Springs, Colorado
Pavers / Cobbles / Planter Curb
Dig Studio
Project Summary
Vermijo Avenue, from the base of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Museum at Sierra Madre Street and extending east will be transformed into a wide, pedestrian and business-friendly street that will become downtown Colorado Springs’s second “Signature Street” after Tejon Street.
Vermijo was identified as a future ”Signature Street” for our downtown years ago. Streetscape renderings help visualize how this transformative project will begin to change the look and feel of southwest downtown.
The new format renders the street appropriate for both pedestrians and automobiles while offering the opportunity to host festivals and plaza-type events.
Heading from east to west, the streetscape for each block of Vermijo gradually builds momentum and complexity in design, ultimately culminating into a rich gathering place at the foot of the museum. Olympic Museum Plaza will serve as a gathering place and may accommodate public events.
Photo Credit: Trevor Huster